Go see him.

His name is Joshua. He is a bronze sculptor, an absolute, beautiful soul, and he’s my friend.
When you visit his website http://www.joshuabchoy.com/ have your speakers on. Listen. You’re gonna fall in love with him I promise. And you’re gonna want one of his pieces. All the love he feels for the world is in them. And when it’s on your neck or wrapped around your waist, you can feel it. And because you like the feeling, you always want it on your body… which makes it conform to you even more. The longer you have it the more perfect it becomes.
This is what we need more of in the world. People that see the beauty all around, and not afraid to go deep within themselves to see what they can become. People that have found their passions and live them. You can feel Joshua’s fire in his pieces.
If you can't make the Sawdust, visit his website. Support him. He makes us all better.
I wish you an amazing festival Joshua !
The Sawdust is a great experience. You feel like you’re walking in the trees and I guess you are. You’re outside, the booths are built around the trees and you’re blanketed by leaves and branches overhead. The grounds are thick sawdust, and it feels like a big tree house filled with paintings and photographs, jewelry, glass sculptures, music and waterfalls.
And there’s food! My roommate Sallie is from
I won’t get a chance to go home for the holidays so I’ll use the space I was reserving for my mom’s sweet potato pie for one of Sallie’s funnel cakes.
I wish you an amazing festival Sallie !