I know I've been away for a while but I needed that space to do some discovery of my own. I must admit, it was a bit harrowing at times but I believe I found some wonderful answers to that scary question, 'what the heck am I supposed to do now?!'
One such answer was, 'Keep writing chick!' In addition to that booming response, I was given a new platform in which to write. I am now the Health Editor for Mwari Magazine (http://www.mwarimag.com/), a new online publication for young women ages 18-24. We will soon go live with the first issue and I couldn't be more excited.
A huge part of getting what you need is being open... Open to hear & to receive, no matter the direction it comes from. Another part is memory. Remembering what works & what doesn't, accepting & embracing what you're good at, and nurturing the gifts you've been given. I recently had a conversation with Maci Peterson, Founder & Editor of Mwari Magazine, on this subject. At 23 years old, she truly impresses me and has taught me a wonderful lesson on accepting and embracing and nurturing. I'll be posting our conversation later.
For most of my life, people viewed me as a teacher of sorts. I never really thought so but having the gift of hindsight allows me to look back & remember. And in this time of 'discovery', I've done just that. I remember always and still being asked for advice from younger & older (I'm in the middle), married or not (I'm divorced), people with kids (I don't have any), boys & girls (ok, I'm a girl). My sister's boyfriend, Mr. Campbell, even sent me one of his paintings titled 'Lot's Of Learning' because he always viewed me in that role of teacher. (You can see his work at http://www.leroycampbelloriginals.com/) A few months back I had my charts read and was told that even in my past lives I was a teacher.
So, I can't escape it, nor do I wish to. I, Candace Burney, am a teacher. I accept it, I embrace it, and I graciously give to you whatever you wish to receive.