Saturday, November 3, 2012

When You Need Something Done... it yourself or call the best!
Besides me, the greatest trainer I know, and truly trust my body with, is my best guy friend, Rae Siskind. Rae was my Personal Trainer in Atlanta and now that I'm here we hook up as often as possible. As I've shared with you already, I'm being led down sugary trails right now so in order to combat what could be a very hefty holiday season for me, I had to call in the big guns.
I never have to wonder if the workout will be a good one because like I said, Rae is definitely the A-list trainer. No matter how much of a celebrity I become, he will always be the only one I call. Because he knows my injuries and limitations, he's able to quickly adjust just in case something happens, which is not so far fetched when you're dealing with a back like mine - something can tweak at any time. I've dealt with other trainers before and they seem to be a bit gun shy with me even though they know I'm strong and can do, or at least will try anything. I always find myself asking them, 'ok, what's next?' and feeling totally unsatisfied. Rae doesn't baby me. If I say I'm good then we keep going.
I love his confidence and he pushes, pushes, pushes. I will be relying heavily on my friend this season because at the tender age of 42, sugar pockets just seem to hang around longer than they used to and I can not have that! As much as I love sweets, I don't want to look like I love sweets and there's only one way to ensure that doesn't happen... keep the sweat rolling your back!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Nothing Gained, Nothing Lost...

Minnie Mouse has been tucked away (at least until I can find a use for my cute pink polka dot skirt), and it's back to the gym. I WILL stay on track this season. I WILL NOT gain a single pound due to my overindulgence in cakes, pies, and candied yams, yes ma'am. I WILL NOT lose a single pound of muscle because I WILL keep it moving!

Girls, one of our biggest trouble spots is the triceps! Fat just likes to gather back there but I'd rather it not. I know what I ate yesterday and since I don't want those cupcakes hanging under my arms, I'm burning them out today! Now, I'm sure it's a safe bet to say you'd rather not feel the jiggle either so...

What's the plan?